The Graphics Processing Unit is an electronic circuit designed to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer, intended for output to a display device. In the crypto ecosystem, the GPUs, assembled in parallel in the mining rigs, are the main component for the extraction of Ethereum or crypto-coins based on memory-intensive algorithms.

GPU mining is a process that involves solving complex cryptographic problems to verify and validate blocks of data using computer hardware - in this case, video cards. Miners who participate in the mining process are rewarded in cryptocurrency for their work.

The high-performance video cards currently on the market can be up to 800 times faster than the most advanced CPUs. Hence, using such a video card for the miner allows the miner to consume less electricity - or the same amount - and to mine much faster (for the same electricity consumption with a CPU).

By themselves, GPUs are designed to perform 'repetitive' activities, unlike CPUs which, on the other hand, are designed to perform diversified activities; the CPUs are in fact slower but perfect for performing multiple tasks at the same time.

The enormous computing power of modern video cards makes them a perfect tool for mining, and even miners seem to have noticed this, since CPU mining now seems to be increasingly in disuse.

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