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ð X11 â Cloud Hash Miner ð° Algorithm Mining Contract
Avaible Hash Power: 0.1164 PH/s
Active Miner: 229
Product customization
Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cartX11, a hashing algorithm created by Dash core developer Evan Duffield in 2014, was well received by the mining community due to its energy-efficiency when mining with a home rig. It is more complicated than a SHAâ-256 algorithm, which prevented the use of ASIC miners for a time. The algorithm uses 11 different hashes, hence the name, making it one safest and most advanced hashes in use by cryptocurrencies today.
Minable Coins:
 Dash [DASH]
 XeniosCoin [XNC]
 LQX Coin [LQX]
 Waltonchain [WTC]
 StakeCubeCoin [SCC]
 Euno [EUNO]
 Kyanite [KYAN]
 Sibcoin [SIB]
 Startcoin [START]
 Cannabiscoin [CANN]
 Helpico [HELP]
 Axe [AXE]
 Bolivarcoin [BOLI]
 Veles [VLS]
 Pyrk [PYRK]
 Omega Coin [OMEGA]
 Arion Coin [ARION]
 Globaltoken [GLT]
 ImageCash [IMGC]
 RuxCrypto [RXC]
 Unitus [UIS]
 Adv. Tech. Coin [ARC]
 Wildfire [WDF]
 KZCash [KZC]
 QnodeCoin [QNC]
 FuturoCoin [FTO]
 VirtacoinPlus [XVP]
 Levocoin [LEVO]
 PvPCoin [PVP]
 Swipp Coin [SWP]
 iCash [ICASH]
 GraniteCoin [GRN]
 LKS Coin [LKS]
 Safecrex [SFCX]
 Xazab [XAZAB]
 WAY-F coin [WAYF]
 HealthCareCoin [HCC]
 ImageCoin [IMG]
 BrixCoin [BRIX]
 Emrals [EMRALS]
 BitcoinGem [BGEM]
- Algorithm
- X11